The Power of OSINT
New Video Showcases Impact of Open Source Intelligence on
U.S. National Security
Sponsored by Janes and developed by INSA's Technology and Innovation Council, this video illustrates the importance and impact of open source intelligence (OSINT) on the U.S. national security mission. With the goal to help broaden public understanding of OSINT tools and capabilities, the video highlights how the collection and analysis of information from publicly available sources can be used to understand military conflict, enhance cybersecurity, track migration patterns, identify human trafficking data, and support other national security efforts.
“In today's interconnected world, open-source intelligence has become an indispensable tool for the intelligence and national security community,” said Suzanne Wilson Heckenberg, President, INSA. “This video provides valuable insights into the capabilities of OSINT and how it is being used to address a wide range of intelligence and national security priorities.”
Adds Sam Gordy, President, Janes US, "today, we can harness and analyze open-source data in ways we could only do with highly classified systems decades ago. All of us at Janes appreciate INSA’s leadership in driving the dialogue around OSINT and in educating the defense and intelligence communities about this increasingly critical resource.”
Three-Part OSINT Webinar Series
INSA will hold a three-part virtual series focused on OSINT including transparency issues; analytic tradecraft; impact of generative AI; crowdsourcing of intelligence, and more.
Episode 1: Coffee and Conversation with Linda Weissgold
Tuesday, December 19 | 9:00-9:45 am ET
Linda Weissgold, former Deputy Director of CIA for Analysis will join Bishop Garrison, INSA VP for Policy, for a discussion focused on:
- OSINT and Analytic Tradecraft
- Operational use of OSINT in ongoing international conflicts from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the Hamas terrorist attack
- Emerging tools and technologies
- ...and more!
Plus, there will be ample time for audience Q&A!
About Janes (https://www.janes.com/the-osint-agency)
Janes enables militaries, governments and defense companies to make critical decisions. Our experts and technology accelerated tradecraft, deliver assured open-source intelligence across military capabilities and order of battle, equipment, events, countries, companies and markets.
Linking millions of assured data points, Janes data model creates a framework of interconnected open-source defense intelligence. This enables the integration of all relevant data and connections into a single intelligence environment to deliver a more complete and accurate answer. Using Janes, our customers gain access to unrivalled, actionable open-source intelligence, shareable with allies and partners.