Refreshing the IC's Acquisition Workforce
November 30, 2022 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM Virtual
On November 30, 2022, INSA hosted an online panel discussion on Refreshing the Acquisition Workforce. The panel was Moderated by the Hon. Ellen McCarthy, and panelists included Dylan Leckie, President of Base-2 Solutions, Dale Rainey from NGA, Patrick Robertson from Deloitte, and Judith Oxman from DIA.
The panel began by discussing what each of them would do to better the acquisition world. Suggestions ranged from increasing remote work and other work-life balancing to attract younger employees, paying contracting officers more competitively compared to the private sector, more frequent onboarding for small and large businesses to get involved with government contracting work, and encourage industry to speak with the government more often to help both sides understand what each other’s needs are.
The next questions focused on recruiting people into the workforce and sharing what the panelists wish more people knew about acquisition in general. A key theme was communicating that acquisition work is not technically mission work, but still impacts the mission greatly and is a key part of intelligence and national security. Being in acquisition can make you an agent of change, and has huge responsibilities for both the mission and honoring the value of the tax dollars that fund these contracts. There are also abundant personal opportunities such as traveling the world and interacting with major players in the community. Individuals can work in acquisition with a variety of backgrounds, from business to law to computer science and international affairs.
The panel wrapped up its discussion by asking what the panelists would want people to know about what it is like to work in acquisitions. Patrick highlighted that it’s an honor profession that requires years of work to master but gives you a rich experience as a career. Dale focused on dynamism and fluidity in laws and regulations that make the work challenging and interesting. Dylan mentioned how you can make an impact, hold important cards and help to solve problems. Judith concluded by saying that times, people, and laws change all the time- the key is to be a visionary person that sees beyond what is directly in front of them.
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