Coffee & Conversation with Dr. Rick Muller

September 26, 2024 9:00 AM to 9:45 AM Virtual

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On Thursday, September 26, INSA hosted a virtual Coffee and Conversation with Dr. Rick Muller, Director, IARPA for a moderated discussion with Bishop Garrison, VP for Policy, INSA.


Dr. Muller explained that the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which serves the Department of Defense. IARPA was established after 9/11 as an innovative way of developing research and technology capabilities for the intelligence community. Dr. Muller shared that IARPA’s current portfolio focuses on topics including quantum computing, biometrics, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. Regarding his vision for the next 3-5 years, Dr. Muller hopes to continue learning what the Intelligence Community’s needs are and bridging the gap between research, academia, and IC operations.

Dr. Muller also discussed the emerging fields of biosecurity, biointelligence, and biomanufacturing. He highlighted that it is important to better understand the collection of biometric data and the security of the devices used to store this data. Regarding biomanufacturing, Dr. Muller explained that cell generation is an emerging area of concern for national security because it provides a way to evade law enforcement restrictions.  

Dr. Muller closed the discussion by encouraging aspiring IARPA researchers to improve both their soft and hard skills. He emphasized that being able to communicate clearly and break down jargon is just as important as developing one’s technical knowledge.  


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