Common Threads Huntsville: Threat Perspectives-Cyber, Space & Missile Defense
April 12 to 13, 2023 Huntsville, Alabama
Event recap courtesy of Hexagon US Federal!
Nearly 150 intelligence and national security professionals attended INSA’s April 12-13 program, Threat Perspectives: Cyber, Space and Missile Defense in Huntsville, Alabama.
The program kicked off with an April 12, 5:00-7:30 pm CT networking reception and keynote at the Jackson Center. Mayor Tommy Battle warmly welcomed INSA to Huntsville and reiterated his commitment to public-private partnerships and collaboration, noting the importance of Cyber Huntsville and Redstone Arsenal to the growth of this vibrant national security hub.
Following his remarks, event keynote Tonya Ugoretz, FBI’s Assistant Director for Intelligence, addressed the dual role of FBI law enforcement and Cyber efforts. She briefly discussed recent cyber-attacks on consumers, countries, and industries, which significantly disrupted networks and critical infrastructure. Ms. Ugoretz noted the importance of promptly reporting breaches to the FBI and the value of collaboration and information sharing.
Ms. Ugoretz pivoted to the FBI’s 2020 cyber strategy, which focused on imposing risk and consequences on our adversaries through unique authorities, world-class capabilities, and enduring partnerships. She noted that government and industry must leverage each other’s unique strengths to fill gaps and have a lasting impact on our adversaries. Ms. Ugoretz also reiterated the Strategy uses the FBI’s role as the lead federal agency with law enforcement and intelligence responsibilities to not only pursue its own actions, but to enable partners to defend networks, attribute malicious activity, impose sanctions for bad behavior, and take the fight to our adversaries overseas.
Ms. Ugoretz highlighted recent examples of nation-state threat actors, including China, Russia, N Korea, and Iran. Noting the U.S. support of Ukraine and the onslaught of Russian/China cyber-attacks, she said cyber incidents cost over 10B+ in 2022.
The importance of partnership at all levels is vital to the FBI. Ms. Ugoretz discussed the value of groups like INFRAGARD and ESAT, and in Huntsville, the National Defense Cyber Alliance, various Cyber Task Forces, and the FBI North Campus at Redstone Arsenal. At Redstone, the FBI is building a tech center district, which will be the epicenter to centralize technology and tools in an innovative hub for next-gen support for high-volume customer needs and to merge partner involvement to better serve and produce actionable intel.
In closing, Ms. Ugoretz noted the importance of the FBI making the best use of its tools including talent, technology, and authorities. One important authority she emphasized is the reauthorization of FISA 702, which is due to expire by year's end. Ms. Ugoretz stressed FISA 702 is key to discovering adversary footholds and intrusions and to attributing events to those responsible. Special thanks to Cyber Huntsville, GEO Huntsville, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville for their support of the program.
The April 13 panel discussion on Space and Missile Defense was classified.