Leadership Dinner with LTG Scott D. Berrier, USA
May 11, 2023 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM Ritz-Carlton Pentagon City, Arlington, VA
Intelligence and national security leaders gathered on Thursday, May 12, 2023, for a Leadership Dinner to hear Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Director, LTG Scott Berrier, USA, discuss the agency's expanding strategic partnerships, the formation of the China Mission Group, and the emergence of AI. During his powerful keynote, General Berrier emphasized how passion for the workforce and leadership serves as a fundamental principle of excellence at DIA.
LTG Berrier outlined ways in which the needs of partnership have changed during a shifting geopolitical landscape and how vital partner-mission integration is to DIA’s work. To capitalize on this integration, partnerships with our Five Eyes allies, industry partners, and academic leaders, are necessary to DIA’s mission.
Following General Berrier's remarks, The Hon. Sue Gordon, former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence (PDDNI), joined him on stage for a moderated discussion. Director Berrier reflected on the role of AI in how the agency approaches its efforts, emphasizing the importance of taking advantage of new tools without becoming over-reliant. While expanding on AI capabilities at DIA, he explained how AI can make the job easier, but human analysis and critical thinking cannot be replaced.
Event Photos Sponsored By Leidos!