2023 William Oliver Baker Award Dinner
June 9, 2023 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM Omni Shoreham, Washington, DC
A Legacy of Excellence!
Nearly 700 intelligence, defense, and national security professionals gathered on Friday, June 9, for the 38th William Oliver Baker Award dinner at the Omni Shoreham in Washington, DC. The evening honored the extraordinary legacy of LtGen Vincent R. Stewart, USMC, former Deputy Director, U.S. Cyber Command and Director, Defense Intelligence Agency. View Event Photos.
Tribute video sponsored by BAE Systems
Following a video tribute, LtGen Dimitri Henry, Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, accepted the Baker Medal of Achievement on behalf of the Stewart family. He began his remarks by noting that LtGen Stewart was more than a mentor to him and countless other Marines, he was "whatever we needed him to be to become the Marine officers we were to become." He noted that LtGen. Stewart "saw our potential and never let us forget that potential." A consistent ally and advocate, he was a man of the highest standard, who served as an example for all. In closing, LtGen Henry noted that Vincent R. Stewart “will always be the mountain” and his legacy of excellence lives on through his philosophy of “do big things, never walk past a problem, and always do right."
Program recording sponsored by Lockheed Martin, Inc.
During the program, the INSA Foundation announced the establishment of LtGen Vincent R. Stewart Endowed Intelligence Career Pathways scholarship, which will provide $10,000 for a black or African American undergraduate student studying for a career in the intelligence and national security community, starting in Spring 2024. Special thanks to Tony and Christine Frazier for underwriting the award.