Leadership Dinner with General Timothy D. Haugh, USAF

July 30, 2024 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM

Leadership Dinner with General Haugh

On July 30, more than 400 intelligence and national security professionals gathered in McLean, VA for our Leadership Dinner with General Timothy D. Haugh, USAF, Commander, U.S. Cyber Command, and Director, NSA/Chief, CSS.

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In his prepared remarks, Gen. Haugh focused on the current threat landscape and the need to harness emerging technologies, stating, “No longer do we operate in a strategic environment where it’s the big who eat the small, but rather the fast who eat the slow.” While discussing efforts to defend the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), he shared details on a new tool currently in the pilot phase: an Autonomous Penetration Testing platform. This tool will help businesses more thoroughly test the cyber defenses of their systems. Gen. Haugh noted that this service will be offered via the Cybersecurity Collaboration Center and “...will enable DIB customers to more quickly broaden penetration tests of their internal assets, identify issues, implement mitigations and confirm effective closure of any identifiable vulnerabilities."

Following dinner, Gen. Haugh sat down with INSA Chairwoman Letitia A. Long for a moderated Q&A. The conversation touched on strategic competition, AI/ML, U.S. Cyber Command's 'Under Advisement' Initiative, election security, CYBERCOM 2.0, and more. 

Leadership Dinner with General Haugh