Thank you, Charlottesville!
December 3, 2024 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM
On Tuesday, December 3, INSA held its inaugural Common Threads Charlottesville program at the beautiful Boar's Head Resort, bringing together over 250 intelligence and national security professionals for an afternoon of career development, high-impact networking, and substantive discussions about the future of this burgeoning national security hub.
The event began with Career Conversations, held in partnership with ClearanceJobs, where public and private sector organizations engaged with top talent to discuss regional career opportunities and workforce needs.
The formal program began with a well-attended welcome reception that provided an exceptional forum for networking and relationship-building. INSA Chairwoman Tish Long welcomed attendees and introduced video messages from Virginia Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine, who expressed their enthusiastic support for the growing intelligence community presence in Charlottesville and Albemarle County.
The keynote address was delivered by Lori Wade, IC Chief Data Officer, who outlined the strategic priorities of the IC Data Strategy and highlighted the newly established National Security Data and Policy Institute, a collaboration between ODNI and the University of Virginia. Ms. Wade emphasized the importance of partnerships between the IC and academia in addressing challenges related to data science, artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies. During a lively Q&A session, she addressed questions on the responsible application of AI, strategies for prioritizing data management, and the ethical considerations of emerging technologies.
The program continued with a panel discussion moderated by VADM Robert D. Sharp (Ret.), featuring LTG Anthony Hale, Deputy Chief of Staff, G2, USA, Elizabeth Mitchell, Chief of NGA-Charlottesville, Kim King, Career Services Manager, DIA, and Dr. Lori McMahon, VP for Research, UVA.
Speakers discussed the IC's growth in the region and the anticipated impact of the Intelligence and National Security Innovation Acceleration Campus (INSIAC), in advancing their respective missions. The evening concluded with a dessert networking reception, offering attendees an opportunity to continue building connections and reflect on the program's key themes.

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