2024 INSF Scholarship Program Now OPEN!
The eight undergraduate and master's awards, collectively valued at $60K, will help mission-driven students in their pursuit of fulfilling careers within the intelligence, defense, and national security sectors.
Are you an undergrad/master's student in an accredited U.S.-based college or university? Do you value excellence, hard work, service, and lifelong learning? Are you looking to pursure a rewarding career in the U.S. intelligence, defense, and national security community?
If so...we are looking for you! Apply today for an INSF Foundation scholarship! We offer 8 undergraduate and master's scholarships collectively valued at $60,000.
It's Easy! Simply create a profile including name, academic institution, and degree program, upload your transcripts, enter the contact info for a letter of reference, answer the essay question...and submit!
Undergraduate Scholarships
New! LtGen Vincent R. Stewart, USMC - Endowed Intelligence Career Pathways Scholarship - One award for $10,000
Eligible Applicants must
- be a U.S. Citizen
- be a Black/African American student
- be enrolled full-time as a rising Sophomore to Senior at an accredited university or college within the U.S.
- possess current overall GPA of 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- be pursuing a degree in an intelligence and national security field of study (including Intelligence Analysis, Cybersecurity, Public Policy, International Affairs, National Security Studies, Engineering, Computer Science, Data Science or comparable field of study in demand in the IC).
Reinventing Geospatial Intelligence, Inc. (RGi) Scholarship - One award for $15,000
- be a U.S. citizen
- have a documented neurodiversity diagnosis (documentation only required if a scholarship award is to be made).
- be enrolled full-time as a rising Sophomore to Senior at an accredited university or college within the U.S.
- have a current overall GPA of 3.2 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- be pursuing a degree in an intelligence and national security field of study
Investing in the Future IC Workforce Scholarship - one award for $5,000
- be a U.S. citizen
- be enrolled full-time as a rising Junior or Senior at an accredited university or college within the U.S.
- have a current overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
- be pursuing a degree in an intelligence and national security field of study
Investing in the Future IC Workforce Scholarship Diversity - one award for $5,000
- be a U.S. citizen
- be a person of color
- be enrolled full-time as a rising Junior or Senior at an accredited university or college within the U.S.
- have a current overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
- be pursuing a degree in an intelligence and national security field of study
The Letitia A. Long Endowed Intelligence Scholarship - one award for $10,000
- be a U.S. citizen
- be a female undergraduate entering your Junior or Senior year at an accredited college or university within the U.S.
- have a current overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
- be pursuing a STEM-focused career in intelligence and national security
The Governor Tom Ridge Endowed Scholarship - one award for $5,000
- be a U.S. citizen
- be enrolled full-time as a rising Junior or Senior at an accredited university or college within the U.S.
- have a current overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
- be pursuing a career in defense or intelligence studies
Master's Scholarships
Investing in the Future IC Workforce Scholarship - one award for $5,000
Eligible applicants must...
- be a U.S. citizen
- be entering your second semester of graduate school
- have a current overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
- be enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university within the U.S.
- be pursuing a degree in an intelligence and national security field of study
Investing in the Future IC Workforce Diversity Scholarship - one award for $5,000
- be a U.S. citizen
- be a person of color
- be entering your second semester of graduate school
- have a current overall GPA of 3.2 or higher
- be enrolled full-time at an accredited college or university within the U.S.
- be pursuing a degree in an intelligence and national security field of study