Laura Ramu

Advanced Manufacturing Lead


"I started my IC career at an agency providing analysis directly to policymakers and have slowly found myself at earlier and earlier points in the intelligence pipeline, always focused on cutting-edge science and technology applications."

"I have loved building Parsons' Printed Electronics effort from the group up—it's such a new field full of limitless applications and potential!"

"I think Supply Chain Security will continue to be a major IC trend in the year ahead, which will push for more indigenous innovations (like printed electronics!) as well as novel solutions to working with international partners in a "zero trust" landscape."

"[I would tell someone considering a career in the IC to] be open to new challenges. There is so much to do and so many wonderful people to work with!"

Favorite TV Shows: His Dark Materials and Schitt's Creek—They're both enjoyable in very different ways!

"[I would tell someone considering a career in the IC to] be open to new challenges. There is so much to do and so many wonderful people to work with!"

Laura Ramu