LtGen Dimitri Henry USMC
Director for Intelligence,
Joint Staff
Lieutenant General Dimitri Henry, USMC, assumed duties as Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff (J2), June 1st 2022. LtGen Henry enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1981 and attained the rank of SSgt. After completion of the Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection Training (BOOST) he was selected for the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP) and graduated from Texas A&M University in 1988, and was commissioned a 2ndLt. From May 1990-May 1993, 2ndLt Henry served at 2d Radio Bn and deployed with 8th Marines (DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM), 26th MEU SOC (PROVIDE PROMISE), and was OIC of the II MEF Communications Center. In June 1993, 1stLt Henry attended Naval Postgraduate School, graduating with a Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering.
In 1995, Captain Henry was subsequently assigned to the Navy Information Warfare Activity at the National Security Agency. In December 1997 he reported to 15th MEU SOC serving as S2A and then S2. After two MEU SOC deployments Major Henry reported to Marine Corps Command and Staff College in August 2000.
From 2001-2004, Maj Henry served as the Commanding Officer, Co H, Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion, San Antonio, TX. After command, Major Henry reported to I MEF G2 where he participated in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM as the Deputy G2 and Intelligence Planner from August 2004-August 2006.
From August 2006-September 2008, Lieutenant Colonel Henry commanded 1st Radio Bn and executed two deployments to Iraq in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. After command, he reported to the Naval War College (NWC) Newport, RI. After NWC he was assigned to Intelligence Department, HQMC, promoted to Colonel and took command of Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA) Quantico, VA in 2010.
From 2012-2015, Col Henry served at United States Central Command, Tampa, FL, as the J2 Operations Division Chief. From 2015-2016, Col Henry served as the Executive Officer to the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). From 2016-2017, Col Henry served as the Chief of Staff, Intelligence Department, HQMC. Remaining at HQMC and upon promotion to Brigadier General on 20 July 2017, he served as the Director of Intelligence, United States Marine Corps until 2019.
BGen Henry assumed the role of the Director of Intelligence at United States Central Command, Tampa, FL, on 1 March 2019 and was promoted to the rank of Major General on 9 July 2021.
LtGen Henry was promoted to his current rank on 19 May 2022.
LtGen Henry’s personal decorations include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, and the Combat Action Ribbon.