Mark Munsell
Director, Data and Digital Innovation
Mark Munsell serves as the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s (NGA) Director of the Data and Digital Innovation Directorate. Formerly, he served as NGA’s Chief Technology Officer and the Deputy Director of the Chief Information Officer – IT Services Directorate. In all of these different roles, Mark facilitates innovative development aimed at transforming and modernizing NGA’s technology to better serve its mission partners, as well as overseeing and streamlining IT-related capabilities and services.
Mark began his federal career with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Norfolk, Virginia. While serving in a multi-disciplinary role as photogrammetrist, cartographer, and surveyor, he was awarded the Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for software engineering work that transformed the nation’s nautical charting production system.
A native of St. Louis, Missouri, Mark returned to the area in 1996, through a transfer to one of NGA’s predecessor agencies, the Defense Mapping Agency. After successfully leading the update of the agency’s aeronautical production systems, Mark left DMA in 1997. After a stint with a government contractor, he founded Internet Marine and Aviation Planning Services, or IMAPS, in 2000 to offer flight and maritime planning services to individuals, industry, and government via the internet.
He returned to government service with NGA in 2006, and has since served as the Chief of the Precision Engagement Division, Office of Targeting and Transnational Issues; as the Senior Officer for Targeting Issues; as the Deputy Director, Aeronautical Navigation Office; as Director, Office of Targeting and Transnational Issues; and most recently as the Deputy Director of the Data and Digital Innovation Directorate, before becoming director in 2023. Mark is the recipient of the Presidential Rank Award and NGA’s Distinguished Civilian Medal, and – for the record – is not a member of the Flat Earth Society.