Sandra Auchter



Sandra Auchter serves as the Director, NGA-Denver (NGA-D) at the Aerospace Data Facility – Colorado (ADF-C). She leads a diverse team of over 500 personnel and represents NGA as a member of the ADF-C’s tri-agency Denver Leadership Team (DLT) alongside leaders from NRO and NSA Colorado. As a DLT member, Ms. Auchter concentrates on strategic issues and enhancing collaboration across agency mission areas and workforces. As Director, NGA-D, she often represents NGA in public forums across Colorado and the western region, including engagements with the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), the Aurora Defense Council, and USGIF’s GEOINT Symposium. Through these engagements, which are often in partnership with her fellow DLT members, Ms. Auchter is able to highlight NGA’s unclassified mission impacts, commitment to DEIA, and leadership of the global GEOINT Enterprise.

Previously, she served as the Deputy Associate Director of Capabilities (ADC) from December 2018 – June 2021. Prior to assuming that role, Ms. Auchter served as the Director of NGA’s Office of Eurasia and Africa (AOE) from December 2016 – November 2018, and prior as the Deputy Director, AOE between June 2015 and December 2016. From 2010 to 2015, Ms. Auchter served as a manager in NGA’s Office of Counterterrorism, completing her tour as the Deputy Division Chief for the Counterterrorism Division.

She began her career with NGA in 2000 focused on national intelligence priorities and crises in the Africa AOR, with particular focus on Central Africa. In 2003, Ms. Auchter served on a rotation concurrently as the NGA representative to the Director of Central Intelligence Agency’s Operations Center and as the Weapons Intelligence, Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Watch Officer. From 2004-2007, Ms. Auchter worked Strategic Issues in the Near and Middle East, to include managing a special program on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency and NGA. She served as the Lead for Executive Communications to Director NGA from 2007-2010.

Ms. Auchter received her Bachelors of Science Degree in Regional Studies, Africa, from the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University and is an alumna of the National Defense Intelligence College/National Intelligence University.

She is the recipient of the Director of National Intelligence’s (DNI) Joint Operation Abbottabad Intelligence Community Integration Team National Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation, the NGA Joint Civilian Service Commendation Award and NGA Meritorious Civilian Service Award.

Ms. Auchter resides in Denver, CO.

Sandra Auchter